GOSSEN METRAWATT offers the software in different scales and versions for trade, industry and training purposes. The Business versions are available as single-user licenses in three upgradeable versions with integrated SQLite database.
The network-compatible enterprise variants are based on a Microsoft SQL database in combination with modern floating licensing. Its functional scope includes graded access rights and data replication for online and offline applications. This allows simultaneous work with the software in the test team.
Note: IZYTRONIQ Enterprise will be updated within the next few weeks, independent of the Business version.
(Premium, Ultimate)
Client / Frontend
DownloadServer / Backend
DownloadSilent Installer
DownloadNEXONIQ is an optional module of IZYTRONIQ. NEXONIQ enables the readout of older test devices with simultaneous conversion into the IZYTRONIQ format of test devices and the data conversion of existing ETC files for transmission to IZYTRONIQ. (The verification of the software is only possible with the chargeable USB stick, which we have sent to you. If you have any questions, please contact our support)